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Technical Support FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Software Support

How do I get help on Saturday?
FSS offers technical support on Saturdays from 8:30 to 3:30. You may email, or call our main phone number for help. If your call is not answered immediately, you will receive a call back as soon as a technician is available.

What kinds of problems may I call FSS about?
Call us for anything. If you are having a problem that is not covered by the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement, we will still do our best to help you resolve it. If we cannot, we will tell you plainly that you need to enlist the help of a local computer technician.
We always provide full support for all of our software products, but we will also try to help with computer, printer, networking, or other problems not specifically covered. If the issue is not covered, and beyond our ability to help, we will let you know and help you find help.

How do I start taking debit card payments or disbursing loan proceeds using Instant Funding?
First, you will want to contact our electronic payment service partners at REPAY, and establish an account with them. If you already have an account with REPAY, call and let them know you plan to begin taking debit card payments or processing Instant Funding through the FSS software. Contact Pam Hendee at 404.504.7473, or Let her know you are an FSS customer, and you are interested in taking debit card payments, or using Instant Funding.
Then, contact our support department and let us know you want to begin using these options. We will work closely with you and REPAY to get you all set up.

When are my lease payments due, and how can I pay them?
All lease payments are due on the first day of the month for which service is to be provided. Example, your June lease payment is due on 6/1. Service may be interrupted if payment is not received on the due date.
You may make payments electronically via ACH, or by check or money order. We do not offer credit or debit card payment options.

How do I begin processing contracts and other documents using Electronic Signatures?
In order to process electronic documents, you will need to have an account with one of our e-document partners – DocuSign, or Crypton Mobile. See the Third Party Contact Information sheet for contact info, or contact our support staff and let them know you plan to start sending e-documents. We will work alongside you and your service provider to get everything setup for you to send and receive loan contracts.

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How does Credit Reporting work, and how do I begin reporting my borrowers’ credit?
Before you can begin reporting borrower credit through the FSS system, you must have an account with one the major credit reporting agencies (CRAs): Equifax, Transunion, or Experian. Establish a Data Furnishers or Service Agreement with each Credit Bureau Repository to which you will be reporting. Remember, all businesses reporting to the bureaus, must meet the minimum reporting requirements established by each Credit Bureau.
If you do not already have an account, you will need to reach out to the CRA of your choice and set up an account. If you already have an account with a CRA, provide FSS with your subscriber information, and we will work with your CRA to facilitate processing your data as soon as possible.
Important: It could take several months, to a year before your CRA begins processing the data you will be transmitting through the FSS system. Please understand that FSS will configure your software to create and transmit the credit reporting files to the CRAs at the time of installation, but the CRAs will not process data until they have completed the setup on their end. FSS will maintain a correspondence with the CRA during this time, and help facilitate in any way we can, but this process is entirely in the hands of your CRA, and while some wait times may be as short as one month, we have seen the process take up to a year or more in worst cases.

Will my LoanPro software work if the internet is down?
Yes, for up to a week, although certain functions that depend on the internet will not, e.g., pulling credit reports, instant funding, electronic signatures, debit card payments among others. However, the software is designed to continue to run without an internet connection to our servers to allow for temporary internet interruptions. For this reason you will still be able to make loans, take collections, renew loans, print contracts and receipts, work your past due accounts, and close the day until your internet connection is restored.

Can I get FSS to make changes to the software, such as creating new reports, or adding language to an existing contract or other disclosure?
FSS provides custom software solutions, which means that we work for you. Remember, your Lease Agreement already covers changes to the software that are required by law; you only have to make us aware of them. In addition, we can make changes that are not required by law, but that you feel would be beneficial to your business operations; we call these “enhancements”. We generally charge a programming fee to create enhancements, and the cost is based on the complexity of the request and time required to create. If you need to request a change to the software, just call us and we will figure out together what type of change it is, and if it is something we may charge for or not.

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